A Parkside View



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The monthly newsletter from Bob Hocking

In July of 2016, Bob released the first edition of a brand new project -- a monthly newsletter. It has evolved a bit, and continues to change at times, with three collections released as books over the years.

A Parkside View is designed to focus on his writing. Each issue features a minimum of two new essays. In addition, each issue may have more essays debuting exclusively on its pages as well as others drawn from the archived files and older web site posts (traditionally referred to as From the Backpack material). Several issues each year may contain three or more essays.

Also, content and information and other features are being incorporated - from a calendar page to the Streaming in The 'ville notes - develooing from other activities, as well as the sister sites of the Backpack community.

If you would like to receive A Parkside View each month, contact us by e-mail and let us know. (You can also send a message to us using any of our social media pages.)

We'll reach out to you to confirm the registration, send along the current issue, and then include you in the distribution of future releases.

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A Parkside View is a monthly publication based on the works of Bob Hocking. It reuglarly contains material exclusive to the newsletter at the time of release as well as content from the In My Backpack web site and other efforts associated with Parkside – Backpack Productions.

No material presented in any issue may be used in any form without prior written permission from Bob Hocking or an authorized representative of In My Backpack.

Previous issues of A Parkside View are usually not made available after 60-days from initial release/distribution. However, special circumstances may be considered on an individual basis. For additional details, please send an e-mail with a subject line indicating "previous issue consideration" and detail the reasons for the request and issue(s) sought in the body of the e-mail. Every effort possible will be made to respond to all inquiries.


If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail Penny@inmybackpack.com