The possible trigger for insomnia


It’s the alarm clock.

Sure, we’re going to go exploring a bit. And chances are good reality might change the answer. But that’s no reason not to share my theory right out of the gate.

It’s the alarm clock that causes insomnia.

The other day, Terry and I needed to wake up earlier than usual. So, we set an alarm on our bedside clocks. And then, we barely slept.

The night included that wonderful game we all know and love: Staring at the ceiling, turning to the clock, turning back to the ceiling while saying “Ok, if I just get to sleep right now, I can still get six hours of sleep.”… repeat, “Ok, if I just get to sleep right now, I can still get four hours of sleep.”… repeat, “Ok, if I just get to sleep right now, I can still get three-and-a-half hours of sleep.”

While driving out the next morning and talking about how neither of us really slept well, something struck me. Virtually any time I set an alarm I find I’m so concerned about missing the reason for setting it that I can’t sleep.

One of the first things I drifted into when I considered the idea was anticipation and nerves. Setting the alarm for the first day at a new job? Well, duh, of course you are going to have trouble sleeping the night before. Same ideas for important appointments or other reasons you might need to be certain you don’t oversleep.

But then I decided that the “…I can still get…” concept is a nice corollary, and the other things that can add to being unable to sleep tend to lack specific action. For example, mind chatter.

My wife often refers to her battles with mind chatter. (I tend to think of it more as a collection of monkeys playing bongos and bagpipes as images of dolphins elegantly surfacing and soaring across a canvas of fireworks play against a background of my eyelids, but I suppose mind chatter works.) While you may have a slightly different phrasing in mind, the idea is quite sound. All of those thoughts and ideas that keep pounding away in your head? The suddenly recalled items you forgot to add to your shopping list or the dinner you forgot to take out of the freezer… the to-do items you to-didn’t because you ran out of daylight and still need to address… someone you need to call… a hold mail request you need to apply… and you see the idea. It’s all that stuff that you’re either bothered by or so afraid you’ll forgot that you can’t settle in for the night and fall asleep.

There are times when I’ll drift off while sitting in a chair in the living room. Lose maybe five minutes of a show. Ready to go to bed and end the day. Once under the covers though, with pillows adjusted and eyes closed… release the monkeys and fire up the bagpipes.

There are things that keep us all awake. Caffeine too late. Life issues. I’m not ignoring those. (Nor am I saying people don’t truly suffer from insomnia. Humor piece folks. Go easy. Some people do truly have insomnia and associated sleep disorders.)

I’m just trying to find the trigger in my life. I have nights with mind chatter like everyone else. But an identifiable flick of the switch that prevents sleep? It’s that damn alarm clock.

About an hour before the alarm was set to go off, I was awake. Staring at the clock. Debating whether or not to just get it over with and start the day, because it was only an hour and I was never going to fall back asleep. The next thing I can recall involved being woken from the best run of sleep from the night as the alarm went off.

I’ll never get that last dream back.

Stupid alarm clock.


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