The forest for the trees


I’m going to make a valiant attempt at talking politics without talking politics in this essay. I’ll probably fail. But I still feel the need to take a shot…

I’m a bit disappointed in the past year or so. Not so much with any specific person or group. Not so much with any specific event. Not so much with myself.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, people have disappointed me… we all can figure out some of the disappointing events of the past year… and there are definitely places where I wish I had accomplished more.

But that’s not it.

See, if we did actually try to point to people and places and events and so on, then sure, there are specifics. Over the past few weeks… months… years… I find I’m being presented with sides of people I honestly didn’t know existed. And, in some cases, I’m talking about people I truly would have told you I knew pretty well. So…

…instead… well… have you been on any social media platform in the past few months? Because if you have, that will do quite nicely in connecting most of the dots we need for a clearer picture.

I wanted to believe a lot of it was context and understanding when things began to really spiral out of control. You know, where something was simply not apparent to me from the content offered in the posts. It was like something was missing. Depth. Context. Reasons. Consider…

Have you ever run into a problem with people reacting to something you didn’t intend as the message that was delivered by an e-mail or text message or such that you sent? In many cases, it was probably that something came across completely flat, without the subtleties that a facial expression or a voice can convey. The recipient didn’t connect with your desire of being serious, or that you were joking, or there was some other missing piece. The result was that they missed something you hoped to present, or misinterpreted something you didn’t intend.

My guess is that in several instances… perhaps most instances… this is the problem with the observations I was being presented with, meaning the context and understanding thought. People are posting statements and comments and pictures and links that they see as perfectly sensible, but if you reached out to them for clarification, they might be a bit stunned to find out what you read or saw or believed from what they put out there.

In a way, it’s that old expression about the forest for the trees.

The basic idea of the saying—can’t see the forest for the trees—means that one particular item is distracting from the whole. A person or group is missing the big picture as a result of focusing narrowly on one detail.

Again, let’s focus this back to what I’m getting from social media. I keep seeing people posting things that don’t make sense. Too much information seems to be missing. Either because what they are fixated on doesn’t match up with the situation the way they seem to think it does, or, what they presented is astonishingly far out of line with what I usually understand to be that person’s character and beliefs.

That element of misunderstanding I noted where technology may have created the disconnect is something I want to believe may be true. In short, that the person doesn’t see what they have actually delivered, because it isn’t fully or accurately presented.

You know… it’s an oops in a sincerely no harm intended incident. In fact, if you did give them a call, chances are that both of you would quickly be laughing about it.

Unfortunately, I’m afraid there may actually be more involved here. I’m sorry to say that as some people have been repeating their messages with other postings… in a few cases with messages and links to stories that are completely fabricated, which a quick check of the facts would reveal… and as a result I’m seeing stances and more that are hard to ignore or write off as an oops.

And that frightens me.

Not really because of the people involved. We all have a right to our opinions and beliefs. If they’re friends of mine… I do believe I know them, and can speak with them if I feel moved to do so. Instead, what’s concerning me is the overall atmosphere…

In the past few weeks… months… years… we’ve begun seeing not the best from people, but the worst. We’ve seen rage and hatred supported… defended… encouraged. We’ve seen no accountability or responsibility taken.

I always want to approach any person I meet with an open hand and a warm greeting. I want to offer people my respect and appreciation from the very beginning. I want people to understand that I value them, their opinions, and recognize their worth.

Warmth, respect and understanding. Something each and every person deserves equally and unapologetically.

Where I’ve started to be quite concerned is that what I’ll categorize as hatred is being promoted and celebrated. Divisiveness is being applauded. People attacking what they perceive as the evils of a tree without recognizing the beauty of the tree, and more significantly, the beauty of the forest.

But this being frightened is different than moments that might find hiding and backing down an option. Those days have ended. I believe that compassion and love, warmth and respect and understanding, may just have an opportunity to overcome hatred and divisiveness. In order to accomplish this however, we all need to approach people with the intentions of lifting each other up to be better than we were yesterday, from which we are going to find a healthy and prosperous forest as a result. To get there though, we all need to act.

So, I challenge you, to hold out your hands to greet others, and to cheer for positive change. Take the steps needed to become better, and to find the good in those around you. Today, tomorrow, and without end.

…and now having taken the action of presenting this, I invite you to just pause for a moment. Just stop. Think about what you’ve seen going on around you and understand that all of us are living in different circumstances, with different needs and challenges. I hope you’ll find the wisdom and patience to treat others with respect, and to view them with the same considerations that you would hope to find applied in viewing you. Thank you.


If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me at