Old school purchases in a digital world


I’m not too proud to admit it, I still want my movies and music around in some physical format. There are people that call it old school style, I suppose. Though honestly it isn’t the label of old school that’s used as much as observations from others that technology has long since moved beyond my comfort zones.

And that’s it, isn’t it? Comfort zones.

It’s not about accepting or rejecting technology, at least not if we’re being honest. I may not be the most current or even interested user of the latest and greatest, but I can navigate around most issues and get what I want and need taken care of.

No, this is about comfort… preferences… the way I like things. I want what I want when I want it. And it seems as though technology comes with too many headaches and whims to have earned a true high standard of reliability. And I keep finding there are reasons for it.

Issue number one… my printer

About a week ago, I went to print something. Everything worked just fine. The next day… the very next day… I went to print something else. Same computer. Still using Microsoft Word. Couldn’t do it.

Rather than bore you with driver issues and outdated unavailable updates and more, I spent about an hour tinkering with some troubleshooting and problem-solving ideas, and eventually ended up having to uninstall and reinstall the printer. Multiple times. Finally got it to work.

But this is just an example. Technology has often, for no obvious reasons whatsoever, failed on me. We aren’t discussing wearable parts, power surges or expiring subscriptions. Just for no identifiable reason at all, collapse followed by chaos.

Issue number two… The Sure Thing

Have you ever seen The Sure Thing? If not, I highly recommend it to you. Unfortunately, chances are, you’ll never find it. At least not any time soon.

It’s a great movie. Well written and directed. Acting is solid. Features John Cusack, and is one of three films that making up his classic 1980s trio that includes Better Off Dead and finishes up with Say Anything….

Here’s the kicker though… if you don’t have it, you won’t find it.

It’s not on any streaming service. And any available copies of it right now are ones you need to search for and get second-hand.

Now, of course, both of issues stories come with side notes. Take The Sure Thing. It looks like a new collection of films might make it available in January of 2021. And streaming services adjust their offerings each month. Things change. It will be around at some point. But if you want to be certain you have it when you want it… well… back to basics of that printer story…

Several years ago, I downloaded a lot of music onto my computer. I was essentially doing it to load up an iPod. Hard drive crashed. Everything was wiped out. But go figure, because I still had the discs, I still had the music even though the computer files were gone.

Yes, technology is making wonderful advances. And even the ideas I complain about or use as evidence to support my desire for physical copies of music and movies and books and more are getting a bit weaker as shortcomings are improved.

Still, our world is moving into arenas without physical connections. The tangible and handheld is turning to digital and whatever the cloud and its associates may be. That’s not a bad thing… unless you’re looking for The Sure Thing.


If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me at Bob@inmybackpack.com