The microphone is always live, part 2


The other day I wrote an essay: “The microphone is always live”. At the center of the piece was a voice mail that went on for a bit more than the caller intended.

Today I want to expand a bit on the idea, with a different portion considered.

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I almost always laugh at the celebrity apology tours.

Sometimes it’s a laugh because it’s funny… often it’s a laugh because it’s sad and unbelievable. Because try as I might, I don’t understand why people seem to think the apology tour changes anything (or actually reflects any change).

Let’s do something crazy here, and start off with an amazing truth: Quite often, people don’t apologize because they’re sorry. They apologize because they got caught.

The stunning part is that for some reason, there are people that actually seem to think that others will change. They seem to believe that their understanding of the scenario is correct, and that others will behave to their expectations when confronted on the issue. They believe they will apologize… they will be disappointed in their behavior… they will see the error in their ways and try to do better in the future.

Mind you, I’m not saying people don’t change, aren’t capable of change, don’t learn and grow and think and mature. Because I do believe people can. Instead, my mind has a hard time grasping why people think the following outline is true:

(1) Person makes comments that express an “-ist” mentality. (I.e. – racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc.)

(2) Backlash.

(3) Person apologizes for comments.

The part I have a hard time with though isn’t listed. It falls between 2 and 3. That’s where the person has a moment of enlightenment, realizes that they are wrong, and truly believes differently than they did when they made the comments. They have changed, and they are better for it.

And the reason I have a hard time with that is because more often than not, I don’t believe it happens.

A true apology is found when there is some recognition of responsibility and error. A person is disappointed with what they have done and sincere in their remorse. In instances where we are talking about opinions, beliefs and some actions—not examples where they broke something they borrowed or such—an apology represents developing a new understanding of a situation and accepting those understandings as the truth. In short… saying I was wrong while also believing I was wrong.

Do you actually believe that forcing someone to say they’re sorry creates that change? I hope not. Because I’m fairly certain that’s not the way it works. In fact, I’d actually go with some sort of backed-into-a-corner-fight mentality as more likely… meaning a person might recognize the politically correct thing to do is apologize and perhaps head out on the interview penance tour, while silently they’re more convinced than ever that they believe what they said.

There’s a longer discussion to be had here. There’s a lot of ground I can’t cover. For one, I refuse to head along the freedom of speech and so what if it’s legal pathways that lead way, way, way off the subject matter at hand. For another, I often wonder why certain locations and people are considered accurate barometers of judgment for any apology. And yet, these are valid considerations to think of, and discussions worth at least acknowledging in possibility.

Instead, I just want to finish with the idea that scripted, prepared, and designed moments are quite often just that… fabricated. I’m likely to believe a person’s first action/reaction is much more significant and accurate than anything that was allowed to be crafted, deliberated and considered. It’s an extension of the “actions speak louder than words” philosophy.

Sure, it’s nice to hear what you want to hear. It’s even nicer when you can believe it.


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