I’ve lost track


I was reminded the other day of the unsuccessful Dutch cocoa powder quest from a few years ago.

The basic story goes like this. While looking for some dinner ideas, I came across an old dessert recipe and thought I would try to make it. One of the ingredients is Dutch cocoa powder, and to my memory that was a fairly easy purchase. Go to a grocery store, find the baking aisle, locate the chocolates, and there, right next to cocoa powder would be the Dutch cocoa powder.

It was not an easy purchase.

We had moved since the last time I had made it, and none of the grocery stores up here carried Dutch cocoa powder. And the thing that kept upsetting me the most had nothing to do with not finding it. No. I was actually ok with that. I’ve become used to products that aren’t available.

Terry and I have moved a few times over the years. Want a fun quest? Try finding your favorite brand of baked beans after moving to a different state. And add to the fun by deciding that a hot dog and baked bean casserole sounds like a comforting easy meal, which would be especially comforting with a can of brown bread. (Yes. A can of brown bread. Geez people, this is culinary magic, stay with me.) Forget it if you think you’re going to have some coffee syrup to make coffee milk to go along with it. That definitely ain’t happening once you get a few hundred miles away from Rhode Island.

Whether it’s simply not available in different regions, or, in many cases over the years just an item no longer produced, I’ve gotten used to products that you can’t find these days.

But looking for Dutch cocoa powder kept bringing me into the baking aisle. Store after store, and that means different chains of stores, the result was the same. I wouldn’t find Dutch cocoa powder. But, in that baking aisle, was agave nectar. And…

What the hell?

Agave nectar?

I could find agave nectar, and in some cases multiple brand names, taking up significant baking aisle shelf space, but Dutch cocoa powder was nowhere to be found.

Seventy-five different styles of milk, including soy milk, almond milk, rice milk and oat milk. Oat milk. Seriously, oat milk. And if you’re not stunned by oat milk, well, look the list goes on, and…

This isn’t about milk. Because honestly, if you use any of these different varieties of products, including oat milk and agave nectar, that’s fine.

For me, the reminder the other day was ketchup.

If you walked into a store for ketchup, and you came across the Simply Tomato Ketchup from Heinz on a shelf, would that make you pause? You know, because you’re headed in, and you’re looking for Heinz Tomato Ketchup. Just the basic bottle of ketchup. Nothing fancy. No special styles. Regular old original ketchup. And then you spot the ketchup bottles, all recognizable red Heinz bottles, and after moving quickly past the organic and no salt and no sugar and so on, you see a label that says Heinz Simply Tomato Ketchup.

It sounds right. Simply ketchup. That sounds like what someone would call the basic ketchup. Right?

But it also sounds incredibly wrong. Why wouldn’t it just be the original ketchup? Why not a label with no creative adjectives or descriptions? And if you are looking for the bare basic Heinz original style ketchup, it turns out that Heinz Simply Tomato Ketchup is wrong.

And before you go crazy and start preparing to send me an e-mail asking me to relax about this, there are styles of Heinz ketchup out there with reduced sugar sweetened with honey and blended with other vegetables.

I’m not saying any of them are wrong. It just makes me laugh when I can’t find Dutch cocoa powder, but there’s a good chance an aisle or two away I could pick up some carrot cake or lemon Oreos. (I won’t. But I could.)

I can’t count the number of items that have been removed from my kitchen, or the recipes I’ve either needed to adapt or stop making. Time has faded the memories of many of them entirely. At least until one day happens to find me absent-mindedly flipping through a cookbook or folder of recipes, and there it is.

And as long as I only need oat milk and agave nectar for it, I should be fine.


If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me at Bob@inmybackpack.com