How are you doing?


For almost my entire life, the question wasn’t really a question.

And when I say almost, I mean such a narrow sliver remaining for it to be each and every time that statistically some would call it meaningless.

On a daily basis, it’s simply a kind of a greeting. A casual note, extended with expectations that a response will be limited solely to options expressing that one was fine. It’s so accepted as a ask this, then say that, smile and nod virtual ode to nothingness that anyone using it to start a conversation would probably be off, running, and well beyond even listening to a response before the second word in their question.

You never ask it because you actually cared how someone was doing. You ask it because you’re tired of asking what’s up, if things were good, or how something was hanging.

Ok… pause… I suppose we should qualify that idea of how rarely anyone asks it and cares.

You took off full speed during a game of hide and seek, weren’t watching where you were going, and smashed head first into a telephone pole. When you opened your eyes and saw your mother, and she presented some type of inquiry about whether or not you were ok, she cared.

We can build on that. Every so often, for the briefest of moments, someone actually asked you, was willing to listen when your answer didn’t involve unicorns and balloons, blue skies, and a big old beautiful world, and they wanted to know the answer.

Most of the time though, all of it was a formality. No one really cared.

Then 2020 arrived. A year that has… and I am not kidding or exaggerating… featured enough thrills that most of us wouldn’t blink or pause at this point if presented with new information that The Walking Dead was a documentary based on actual events.

(Come on. After what you’ve seen this year, you wouldn’t be stunned to learn zombies could happen. We all know it wouldn’t stun any of us. It’s been quite a year.)

I don’t know why that text message at that moment struck me as odd. Couldn’t explain why the thought came into my head right then and there. A few personal things going on… a few crazies in my days lately… and then, sure, the rest of the world figuratively (and, in spots, literally) on fire.

How are you and Terry doing?

And I laughed.

Because there are days over the past year when, more than any other time I know of in my life, I have maneuvered through events where I honestly could not tell you what held me up.

The text message arrive, I read it, and I laughed.

Because I wanted to reply with some smartass quip that I had no idea where to begin.

And I laughed.

Because darn it, the true details were so overwhelming at times it was just funny.

And I cried.

Because I don’t know how I’m doing.

But I appreciated the thought.

Take a moment to check in with those you care about. Stay safe and send them your love. Let them know you’re thinking about them. And when you ask, listen.

They could probably use a moment to take a deep breath and tell you they’re fine.


If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me at