Arremony’s and Local Friends


On November 14, 2015, the Arremony’s doors opened for the final time.

(If I could, I’d insert a real pause here while those that understand the significance of these words wipe their eyes. Instead, just take a moment, read the sentence again, then more along when you’re ready.)

On November 14, 2015, the Arremony’s doors opened for the final time.

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In January of 2012, I began a project called Local Friends for Local Business. You can check out the pages on our site for more information. The real connection for this essay is found in two thoughts.

First -- The general idea of Local Friends has always been to celebrate those one of a kind, neighborhood treasures. The places that make your community special, an incredible experience, and different from mine.

Second -- The very first challenge of the effort focused on bakeries, as a deliberate nod to Arremony’s. That challenge has become an annual January tradition.

I could use thousands of words to cover the delicious offerings of Arremony’s. Those words would cover a jaw-dropping assortment of beyond description doughnuts, how often days featured special creations, and how many cakes were part of celebrations for my family and friends.

I could discuss how mentioning the name Arremony’s around many people can elicit sighs of joy and cause eyes to glaze over.

As opposed to many sad stories though, the closing of Arremony’s has, at its center, some happiness. The owners are moving on to enjoy other adventures in their lives. The long days have become difficult. So while certainly sad, and a loss for Jewett City along with countless customers, this does not seem to be the end of a small business for economic reasons.

One portion of my writing this article is to wish those that owned and worked at Arremony’s well. I will be one of those missing so many delights that I will never again experience. I will be one of those cherishing the way staff recognized Terry and I when we walked in.

Another portion is to offer a thought or two about the upcoming holiday season in general, and specifically the ability you have to assist the restaurants, stores, and other groups in your area.

Since Local Friends began, many places that I have visited… places that friends recommended… places that came up in conversations and experiences… have gone out of business. And the real shame is how many of those places were offering fantastic products and service, while simply not being able to generate awareness in potential customers.

And that perhaps is one of the most important concepts in Local Friends.

It’s not about being against national chains and big business. The larger inventories and selection, the lower prices, the ability of a customer to know what they will likely get when they walk through the doors… there are plenty of reasons why these places do well, and even arguments concerning why for so many they are necessary.

It’s not about promoting bad business. There is no reason why you should accept poor service, reward poor quality, or support businesses that don’t provide what you would like to have.

And yet… open your eyes. Look around. Because there are some wonderful businesses near your home. Many of them you’ve never set foot inside, and some of them you have passed without really knowing what they even have to offer. You will likely often be stunned, delighted, and thrilled by the fabulous people, delicious food, and fantastic merchandise available.

In some cases, all it takes is trying something different. Are you looking for better pizza? Do you need someone to work on your lawnmower? Would you like a better cup of coffee? …less expensive office supplies? …something unusual and yet perfect to give as a birthday present?

You have the ability to support quality… support your neighborhood… support the local businesses. And while it begins with your wallet on any single visit, it goes well beyond that. It moves on to the recommendations that you give to friends. It includes the next stop you are going to make, or the development of a place as a go-to location for something.

As the holiday season ramps toward full speed consumerism, I take a moment to tip my cap and shed a tear at the closing of Arremony’s. I also urge you to consider the fantastic local options for dining and shopping that are available within a short drive of your home.

If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me at